Tennyson Grass Machinery
Kildalton, Piltown, Kilkenny
Tel: 051 643438
Mobile: 086 2509270

Aspen Alkylate Fuel

Aspen 2-stroke Full Range Technology and Aspen 4-stroke alkylate petrol are the cleanest forms of petrol that is available on the market today. Using normal premium unleaded petrol in small capacity engines without catalytic converters can be damaging for your health, the environment and for machinery. Aspen alkylate petrol contains virtually no sulphur, benzene and aromatics, which is better for you and Aspen is ethanol free, which is good news for your machines. The ready mixed Aspen 2-stroke FRT alkylate petrol also reduces the risk of incorrect mixing, eliminating engine failures which would be a very costly mistake.

So if you have just bought your first can (or are just planning to) CONGRATULATIONS!

Regardless of whether you have already made a purchase or have made up your mind to do so, you, your machine and your local environment are winners!

  • 99% cleaner emissions*
  • Ethanol free
  • Storage stable up to 5 years

Aspen 2 for Chainsaws - Strimmers - Hedgetrimmers

Aspen 2 is the only fuel available in the Europe which is specifically designed to protect both the user and the machine.


Why should I use Aspen 2 in my chainsaw instead of regular fuel?

Simplicity/Money saving

  • Aspen 2 is a ready mixed at 50:1 fully synthetic 2 stroke oil. This means that the fuel is ready to be poured straight into the machine with no risk of damage. Using pump fuel in your chainsaw requires you to mix the oil ratio correctly and this can be a costly mistake, should you get it wrong.
  • Long shelf life - unlike pump fuel which deteriorates in quality after 30 days, Aspen fuels will last for up to 5 years and can happily be left in the machine through winter storage, without any risk of damage to the machine or difficulties starting when it is time to use it again.

 User Health

  • Aspen fuels are made using much safer and cleaner components compared to pump fuels this means that the emissions from your chainsaw are dramatically reduced and working with your machine is much more pleasant.
  • Users of Aspen report being able to work longer, have less headaches, fewer sore throats, no dizziness and are not left feeling sick after using their machines whilst running on Aspen, compared to pump fuel.

Aspen 2-stroke is suitable for all 2-stroke garden machinery and much more! It is ideal for long term storage.

Why should I use Aspen 4 in my Lawnmower?


  • Long shelf life - unlike pump fuel which deteriorates in quality after 30 days, Aspen fuel will last for up to 5 years and can happily be left in the machine through winter storage without any risk of damage to the machine or difficulties starting when it is time to use it again.
  • Handy container - Aspen 4 is supplied in an easy to handle 5L container, this insures that the fuel is 100% free of dirt unlike if you re-use a jerry can for example. this means less maintenance is needed as you are less likely to get dirt into your carburettor or engine.
  • No Smell - when using aspen in your lawnmower there is virtually no smell from the emissions. this means that you no longer need a change of clothes after cutting the grass in your garden.

User Health

  • Aspen fuels are made using much safer and cleaner components compared to pump fuels this means that the emissions from your lawnmower are dramatically reduced and working with your machine is much more pleasant.
  • Users of Aspen report being able to work longer, have less headaches, fewer sore throats, no dizziness and are not left feeling sick after using their machines whilst running on Aspen, compared to pump fuel.


Aspen 4-stroke is suitable for all 4-stroke garden machinery, generators, even camping stoves and lights than run on liquid fuel (petrol), 4-stroke model machines and much more! It is ideal for long term storage.

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